This letter is intended to restore the human heart to God with a reminder of God's signs in the universe, his calculations and his retribution in the Hereafter. Doomsday called many times in the Qoran in order to provide information, warn, and scare people.
On the day of reckoning will be much more distinguished face sitting humiliation, pains, and fatigue. Make those who have worked apart for God and not the way of his, only for himself and his family and to fulfill worldly ambition, they will only get results at the world without the provision for the afterlife. In the afterlife, the work will only be in the form of humiliation and torment drove him to accept the painful reply. Preview punishment in the hereafter will be explained so that people can imagine how the pain of punishment mixed with humiliation, contempt, and disappointment with the sting of a very hot fire. But the actual punishment will be far more painful than our imagined.
On the other hand, the visible face of emissive joy with a 'spiritual pleasure' eminence. Feeling calm and peaceful as a result of the good which has been earned, also feeling pleased to kindness who had done when knowing God bless us. Also in this letter described the atmosphere of the heavenly life in calm, secure, peaceful and calm, loving and blessing. This is intended so that people can imagine as much as possible about the delicacy, pleasure and Joy in heaven, and to know how we glorify God by His grace and blessing.
The third section of this letter directing people to observe and ponder the universe phenomena, like heaven, earth, mountains, and camels. The landscapes like this is enough to evoke and revive the human heart and spirit to realize about what is behind this, namely God the Creator, who is not unprecedented.
The last part of this letter to tell the boundaries of obligation and duty of the apostle to give warning to people with all events in the afterlife and the universe and everything in it. Task Apostles only give a warning, the Apostle does not have the slightest power of the human heart so that should not be forced to believe. Jihad, which carried only to eliminate barriers to proselytizing way, for this warning to humans. Next handed affairs mission to the provisions of God, which man can not run away from his reckoning and vengeance.
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